
Our transformative e-Governance Solutions are led by Leadership Empowerment Process that revolves around innovative Smart Monitoring System – for instruments of Policy Implementation & Service Delivery both in Public and Private Sectors across industry verticals. The crucial task of Monitoring of Projects/Programs across geographical locations can be done remotely by having easy access to real time field level data & analytics on one’s personalised, interactive dashboard. It enables multi-level; multi-dimensional monitoring by all stakeholders and beneficiaries/customers. Key strength of Smart Monitoring System lies in our innovative Mobile-Internet Data Acquisition System (MiDAS), which collects,validates,transmits data in multi-media format (photo, audio, hand written text etc) in near real time, and processes seamlessly on the go. This vastly reduces misrepresentation/misreporting of field data/information and thus presents a credible, evidence-based ‘Decision Support System’ to the key decision makers. Finally, our System offers unique value (MiDAS touch!) by providing dynamic real time Big Picture (Bird’s Eye-view) as well as granular Last Mile Data(Ant’s Eye-View) to the Apex Leadership directly without any inter-mediation accessible easily from anywhere, any-time. For requirement in any of the E-Governance solutions email us at egov@topologypro.com